It's been much longer than I thought it would be since I've been able to post. It seems like this year has started out with many losses - which include my dad as well as some other projects/activities that were dear to me, but have been taken away. I have to just find encouragement in knowing that the Lord knows what I don't, and things will ultimately work out for the best (although at the moment, that doesn't soothe the sting of it all - no need to get into it).
Anyway, I'm a month away from what I hope will be a turn for the better - the birth of our 4th child. I'm in that "can't get comfortable in any position" stage, but I am grateful that that's the worst of it - it's been an easy pregnancy.

On top of that, what started as a discussion about refinancing our house has turned into "let's look for a 4 bedroom." Of course, now is not the best time on many levels. And, since we really weren't planning on a move, there are many household projects that need to be finished before we can put our house on the market.
All of this has kept me away from drawing. However, as all these things come to a close as we near baby-day, I hope to have some time to actually do some drawing or painting.

In the meantime, I took my 13 yr old son to see our local theater company's production of "A Midsummer Night's Dream." I didn't think he would like it very much, but wanted to take him to experience Shakespeare. HE LOVED IT. It was all performed in Shakespearean English, but they gave it an Eastern Indian visual twist. It was hilarious and now he wants to take his dad. I really enjoyed it as well - it was good to just laugh!

I don't know if anyone stops by here these days. But, I hope to be back with some art soon.