Sunday, April 21, 2013

A Wonderful Event...Followed By More Work...

A while back I posted about doing a design for placemats for the Royal Family Kids fundraising dinner.  That event was held last night and I was able to attend.  It was a lot of fun - outstanding food (world famous Santa Maria BBQ), interesting people, an entertaining live auction, ending with a performance by cowboy singer/storyteller Dave Stamey.  The well-established ranching community of the Santa Maria area was well represented and I guess attendance was double what it was the previous year.  Best news of all, MANY abused kids will benefit through summer camps from the funds raised at this event.

I was delighted to see that my design was used for both the placemat and the program!  Much to my surprise, an elderly couple at the next table asked me to sign their placemats - they were so cute.

Then, today, I found myself back at the easel.  Something just wasn't sitting right about the face - the eye/eyebrow placement was just a bit off from the nose which was a bit off from the mouth and chin.  I don't know if anyone else would have picked up on it, but it was sure bothering me.  So, I was compelled to fix it - which led to feeling like I ruined it - and then realizing that I fixed the proportion and perspective - only to feel like I'd overworked it - followed by prayer - ending with more dabbling and, finally, contentment.

Repainted...don't know if it's done...

Now, when I go back and look at the previous picture I posted, her face looks so obviously goofy - glad I didn't leave it like it was (and I was tempted).  I think it's OK, now.  The problem I face now is that I've made an appointment to have the painting professionally scanned tomorrow.  That means, unless I reschedule, I don't get that "live with it" time to catch any other issues I might regret.  I'd like it to be done, but...

...but, I think the face is much improved...still not sure, though...I think I'm going
to fix something else...and I did - I'll post later...

Thursday, April 4, 2013

A Perfect Day...Mostly

Another lovely day - great for painting...and smoothies!  I love living in strawberry country!

"Look Mom!  I've only been working 1 minute and I've already got paint on me!"
It was nice to have company in the studio today!

After a morning trip to the grocery store, various around-the-house "to do" stuff, I was beginning to think that I wouldn't get much painting done.  By the time I got out there it was after lunch!  When I finally did get out there, I was quickly joined by two other family artists.

A good start - more to do...

It's alreay Thursday!  What made me think I might actually get 2 paintings done this week?  At least this one did flow once I got started - I was able to get paint on the entire canvas fairly quickly.  What you see above seems pretty far along, but there are still layers to be added, details to be refined, problems to fix...I always notice more problems once I photograph a project.  I'm cringing as I type.  If only I had all of tomorrow to paint.  But, we're off to see a matinee of Robin Hood at Cal Poly's Performing Arts Center.  That will be fun, too.  Hopefully, I will be able to finish it before we start back to school on Monday, though.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Springtime, Easter Vacation, and the Pre-Painting Begins...Finally

Believe it or not, these are flesh tones
 (base, warm & cool shadows, and highlight)
I can't believe it's already Wednesday and I haven't started officially painting yet - Easter Vacation is just flying by!  But, yesterday, I updated my playlists with some new songs and headed out to the garage for some of the prep-work.  I always like to start a larger-size project with as many premixed colors as possible so I don't end up running out of something in the middle of painting.  It was my "mad scientist" day - I felt like I should be wearing a lab coat and laughing maniacally when I achieved the right shade.  I will still have a palette for additional mixing and fine tuning of colors, but I should be able to do a lot with these.

Mixed, labeled, and ready to go...

One of the nice things about working in the garage on a sunny spring day is that my littlest gets to play in the front yard (which she doesn't normally get to do).  Although her big sisters are usually with her, there's a nice big window so I can keep an eye on her and she has her boundaries so that she's stays within that window of sight - of course, that's also the window where crane flies go to die this time of year.  They were all over, stuck between the glass and the screen or in webs in the corners.  So, I had to clean up that disgusting mess, too - YUCK!  But, it's fun to see my bouncing beauty enjoying the sunshine.

Now, I can't wait to actually start painting - maybe I'll get to do that tomorrow.  Hopefully, I'll get at least one painting done this week and still have some family time.  In the meantime, my painting looks a little freaky with all of the test spots created as searched for the right base colors, highlights and shadows.

Color test spots making the subject look a bit strange