Tuesday, October 26, 2010

8 Weeks of Art Classes for Kids End...A New Door Is Open...

The two art classes that I have been teaching to homeschoolers over the past couple months ended today.  However, I'm newly inspired - I'm excited about all of the fun things I can share in doing more art classes and the potential it has as a way to help out the family.

Once the bookstore closed, I really had a hard time imagining what other job I could take in this area where I could work evenings (to avoid child care costs).  Food service?  Some retail store?  None of this sounded appealing at all to say the least!  Then, the idea for art classes (something I've done before and something that will allow me to utilize my strengths and interests) came up.  It would allow me to be home in the evenings with my family, too!

I've been looking into the possibility of having prints and cards made that I could sell on Etsy as well.  Right now, every little bit counts and it's worth a try.  The idea of possibly being able to bring in some income at this time doing something worthwhile that I actually enjoy is exciting.  We'll see how it all goes...

In the meantime, I decided to call my business "Doodlebird Studio" and I redrew one of my favorite drawings with a little more of a gesture to serve as the current "mascot."  I'll be updating my calendar of classes and posting the availability of prints (when that happens) at the following site:


Friday, October 8, 2010

Why is it so hard to let go?

My son's high school is having a banquet fundraiser next weekend and they're asking for items for their silent auction.  One of the things listed in the packet home was artwork from a local artist.  Well, we don't have much that we can contribute, but that's one thing I could do.  Besides, I have all of these drawings tucked away in my studio, so that would be perfect.

So, tonight I tried to choose one to donate - much harder than I thought.  I've narrowed it down, but I found it surprisingly difficult to entertain the idea of letting them go.  I don't have any prints, they're all originals, and they have been captured on film and posted here at one time or another.  There were even a few that I just said "no way - I'm not giving that one up!"  A lot of those had sentimental connections to my kids in their original inspiration.

But, isn't that what I'm supposed to be doing as an artist?  Shouldn't I be getting my work out there, get it seen?  It would be difficult to achieve anything professionally if I keep my work locked away in a drawer.  On the other hand, I'd hate to think that it could end up locked away in someone else's drawer...or turn up as the next white elephant gift at the office Christmas party.

Well, I guess it's time - for the first time - to take that leap and submit something.  Decisions...decisions...

Friday, October 1, 2010

Illustration Friday: "Beneath"

This drawing done over summer was a good fit for this week's theme.

Kitty's looking for her mouse.  Perhaps he should look beneath the bed.