Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Where did the last year go? Here's a Clue...

Well, it's been over a week since her actual birthday, but this picture was done right around then in the ol' sketchbook. Can't believe she's already 1 year old!!

She's very busy and quite the handful, but I'm seeing some opportunity to spend some time on developing that picture book idea previously mentioned. In the meantime, I don't see much opportunity to add much color to this blog - pencil and paper are just so simple and handy. Perhaps when I finish unpacking studio stuff over Easter Vacation, then maybe I can at least locate my colored pencils.

Until then, there'll be lots of baby and dog pictures in pencil.

Monday, March 22, 2010

More babies

You'll probably be seeing a lot of baby and dog sketches these days as I'm building that visual library for my children's book idea. Here are a couple I did quickly today. I think Lindy's legs are too short - there's that proportion thing again. But, I sensed that as I was doing it. Unfortunately, she was moving a bit as she slept, so I was rushing a bit. Still, I think I should take the time to capture the proportion first, details after that.
Anyway, I wanted to get some different angles, perspectives, and practice some details of the face and feet.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Post-Disney Doodles

Just trying to keep the momentum going with the drawing. I really wasn't able to do any drawing at Disneyland like I thought I might. But, I never really had the chance (even waiting with the baby for others to get off of rides). So, I took a bunch of pictures of interesting shapes and architecture to have fun with at a later date.

I did get a couple marks on a page once before being interrupted, so I just came home and doodled with them. Here's the stuff.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Illustration #5 - I Sorta Took A Shortcut

Ok, I'basically had 1 day to do this last drawing since we're leaving on a family trip tomorrow and my son's going to turn his project in before we leave. Soooooo, rather than redrawing the original sketchbook drawing, I just went over it in ink with very few adjustments. Therefore, I'm now noticing an issue with the position of his legs and foot - not quite right. But oh well...

Do I still have my pouch of ammunition and gunpowder? Yes, I do!

One thing that I'll take away from this little mini-commission is the importance of time management. I need to expect to do multiple drawings for a single illustration - in some cases, probably lots! But, this was fun - hope I get an "A."

Now, it's off to Disneyland. I plan to take the sketchbook as we'll have to take turns waiting with the baby for some of the rides - I'm guessing she won't make the height requirement for Space Mountain.

4 Down - 1 To Go

Illustration #4, again, would be a decent 1st draft. I like the proportions of the foreground figure (for the most part). But, there are several things that I would adjust if I had time to do it again.

He got up to the shed and almost screamed as he almost walked right into the path of an armed guard. But, he realized the guard was asleep.
As I'm rapidly running out of time - we leave for Disneyland tomorrow afternoon - I'm working even more quickly and letting things go that I normally might spend more time on. But, I still have one more drawing to do, laundry to put away, suitcases to pack, dogs to bathe...

Monday, March 1, 2010

Short Story Illos #2 & #3

I managed to knock out a couple more illustrations over the last couple days AND still get some dishes done.

#2 was a quick one since it's a distance shot - little detail to worry about. I wish I hadn't used the thicker pen in the background trees, creating that darker line. Should've just stuck with a thin line, atmospheric value. Oh well...

One day on the farm, when Jake and his brother were plowing the fields...

#3 there are aspects of this that I really like, however the proportion thing is still a bit of a struggle. The table is too short and so the soldier looks at bit cramped under it. Also, the boy is a bit too young looking - proportions seem to work BUT they fit a younger age than I intended.

The recruiter was a Colonial Regular and had obviously been in many battles for he had scars on his face and a bandage around his head.

I actually have one more almost completely done - just not photographed. One more to go. I'm getting a little less meticulous as I really only have one or two more days to work on them. Wish I had time to add a watercolor wash!