Thursday, November 26, 2009

Animals...and the End of a Sketchbook

I really appreciate this family image.

I really enjoy drawing these animals - it's so much easier now. Not because my skills are so much better than when I was in college (although there has been improvement). It feels more psychological than anything else. It's a lot easier to relax and enjoy when you're not rushed by deadlines or have grades looming over every project.
Anyway, this set of drawings brings me to the end of my sketchbook. I started it about 10 years ago and this is its last page. I've filled other sketchbooks in the meantime. I set it aside many years ago when I was doing other types of art and little-to-no drawing. I found it and its many empty pages when I finished my last sketchbook (musn't be wasteful).
A whole book of blank pages awaits...

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Some Animal Studies

It's been a while since I've done this, but I've done a few more animal studies on my break at work.

There's a face that only a mother could love.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Illustration Friday: "Blur"

"...what happened next was just a blur."

This was another doodle from the sketchbook that I was playing with at the soccer field last weekend. Although I wasn't going for a repeat of an earlier picture, once I had the worm image developing, it only seemed logical to put in a bird. So, I'm re-posting the other - more whimsical - worm/bird picture called "An Invitation to Dinner." As you can see, the new one is a bit more ominous.

I like to see different approaches to similar ideas. In fact, that would be a fun exercise.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Illustration Friday: "Skinny"

YEAH! It just so happened that the IF theme worked well with the doodle I'd started weeks ago. It gave me the motivation to get it finished.

It will be impossible to be "skinny" with these super-sized helpings!