Friday, May 15, 2009

Birds, Boats, and Bunnies...

A week or so ago I started a little doodle that didn't go anywhere...or so I thought. It was small and was something like a caterpillar if you look at it one way...or was it bunnies in capes (You decide). I was leaning toward the bunnies, but I had no interest (or time) to take it any further.

The other night, I found some time when all the kids were in bed and I still had a little energy to draw. I thought I'd elaborate on the caped bunny, and I was actually quite happy with the character that came out. So, what would a RABBIT pull out of a hat? A magician?

One illustration exercise I'd read about was taking one character and exploring different expressions, scenarios, etc. I haven't really done a lot of that, so I thought I'd do another bunny.

I don't know what it is about this character, but I really like it! There's something a little extra human about it. I really like the facial expression - believable (would any parent say "no" to this face?). I guess it's not exactly the same character as the one in the cape - they seem different in age - perhaps father and son.

While I worked, I also thought about how I really like my 4B pencil (used on the jammies). I don't know why - I just like the the value, and the lead just seems to "flow" smoothly. Maybe it's just this brand of pencil (Staedtler Mars Lumograph - my faves since college).

Anyway, I think I'll work on some more bunnies when I have the chance - a nice change from birds. I started a bunny today at Lake Cachuma while my older girls were on a bird-watching cruise. My son stayed with me on-shore since I had to stay with the baby. I didn't get much drawing done, but we had our own bird encounter. Some Scrub Jays came to visit us, coming VERY close (and they weren't scared off when I moved to get my camera). They're a beautiful blue and they're all over the place around these parts.

1 comment:

Raluca said...

Cute caracters!
And cute brave little bird:how that she came so close?!