Monday, August 16, 2010

Checking In With An End of Summer Update...

Wow!  Where has the summer gone?  I thought I was going to have a nice relaxing "time-off," but I guess there's no such thing when you have a toddler (a VERY mischievous one - can you tell?).

I've been spending time planning for the upcoming school year, as I only seem to be able to string together minutes and not the hours I need.  Then, to throw more into the mix, it looks like I will be offering art classes to homeschoolers in just a few weeks.  I decided to go for it since it looks like there will be no bookstore opening in place of the one that closed.  I need to do something to help bring in some $$$ for the family, and this seems like the best idea.  I'll be able to be home with the family at night.  However, it means I've double my planning needs right now - YIKES!
Some of my students from a previous "History in Art" Class
I hope to get an illo or two done before the school year begins in a couple weeks.

1 comment:

Heidrun Khokhar, KleinsteMotte said...

I can remember times like this so well. What realy got me was being ready and then having to change to a different grade (even school once) in mid September because of enrolment changes. Went from a 5 to a1 and from a 2 to a 2/3/4 group. Talk about preparation. I Enjoy.was up nights when all were asleep. But loved teaching!