Sunday, February 3, 2013

The Longest Quick Little Painting Ever...

I'm sure I mentioned somewhere something about doing quick and loose little paintings to play around with the medium and have a little fun.  I have a small space in the corner of my room which has been great for drawing, but lacks the space and storage for painting projects.  Normally, it wouldn't take to much time to set up a quick little still life, scoop some paint onto my Sta-Wet palette, and get down to business.  But, throw in household duties, homeschooling duties, helping Grandma run some errands, dentist appointments, soccer games...well, a 1-day activity turned into several days.

Day 1 - I managed to put together the still life before I had to run off somewhere. And, a day or so later, I quickly sketched the shapes onto my pre-primed paper (I had primed several pieces of paper weeks ago, so at least I didn't have to do that).

A couple days later, I had to come up with a solution to paint storage - I have no place in my room for the pint and quart size Nova Color containers.  So, I grabbed some small Gladware (or whatever brand) containers and transferred the colors I'd be working with.  I have a plant stand to set the palette on next to the table.  I was able to soak the palette paper and get it set up before having to call it quits.

Finally, yesterday afternoon, I actually got to paint.  I had envisioned a quick painting that would have beautiful color and contrast in relatively few strokes - HA!  My reality is that I layer and layer, push and pull, building values...maybe now that I've practiced the shapes and colors, I could put something together that's looser without losing the color and contrast that I like.  Perhaps I'll do that next.

Anyway, I think this is my first non-illustration project since I don't know when.  I'm excited about more exploration - I just hope it doesn't take so many days to do one little painting...but, it probably will!

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