I was delighted to see that my design was used for both the placemat and the program! Much to my surprise, an elderly couple at the next table asked me to sign their placemats - they were so cute.
Then, today, I found myself back at the easel. Something just wasn't sitting right about the face - the eye/eyebrow placement was just a bit off from the nose which was a bit off from the mouth and chin. I don't know if anyone else would have picked up on it, but it was sure bothering me. So, I was compelled to fix it - which led to feeling like I ruined it - and then realizing that I fixed the proportion and perspective - only to feel like I'd overworked it - followed by prayer - ending with more dabbling and, finally, contentment.
Repainted...don't know if it's done... |
Now, when I go back and look at the previous picture I posted, her face looks so obviously goofy - glad I didn't leave it like it was (and I was tempted). I think it's OK, now. The problem I face now is that I've made an appointment to have the painting professionally scanned tomorrow. That means, unless I reschedule, I don't get that "live with it" time to catch any other issues I might regret. I'd like it to be done, but...
...but, I think the face is much improved...still not sure, though...I think I'm going to fix something else...and I did - I'll post later... |