Sunday, September 14, 2008 promised...

Tis the hectic season of school starting again, soccer starting, our large-scale co-op (where I teach a class) starting as well, and a wonderful visit from some out-of-town family. So, I needed to really focus on those other things, but I think I'm starting to settle into what is to be "normal" for the school year. I'm getting an idea of what my routine will be and when I can possibly squeeze in some drawing or painting.

Anyway, here are a couple of sketches from our camping trip last month. The one above is of my 2 girls playing in the river - that's how they spent most of their time during the hot days.

There was no shortage of trees along the river's edge whose intricate roots were exposed going down into the water. I wish I'd had time to add color. Oh well...

I think I need some direction - a specific project to work on. I'm not very content with just doodling right now. I'll have to see if I can squeeze in an Illustration Friday project this week.


Kathleen Rietz said...

Nice job. I especially like the one of your daughters. Very nice study.

Diane Smith said...

Thanks bunches - great memories!