Thursday, June 18, 2009

Illustration Friday "Unfold" ...Sort of...

"How will this story unfold?"

Well, because of a convenient nap, I was able to get a color study done of my intended composition. This isn't the finished product, but it's all I could do before the deadline. I'll post the final some day - I'll let you know how it "unfolds."

So, the purpose of this study was to practice an interior, low-light scene. I went with a limited Thalo blue, Cadmium Orange Medium, Cadmium Yellow, Mars Black and Titanium White colors. I tended to use blue/black mixtures for the background and complementary blue/orange mixtures for the main subject and lighted areas, making them a bit more vibrant. I used the yellow in limited situations for warmth in the illuminated areas.

A big challenge was figuring out a good skin tone for this situation. But, overall, I think I did manage to learn something. So, hopefully, the final will be a little easier. It was worth it to do this rough study. It allowed me to be looser than I normally am and just focus on color.


Ann Marie DiVecchia said...

I think you did a great job depicting a night scene. I like the loose study. Great narrative, too!

Eliza said...

very dramatic and eerie. The green shades make me think of aliens coming to try the cookies on the table.

Anonymous said...

Oh I think the colors are perfect. Love the Mothers larger than life silhouette in the background. Anticipating the finished illo!

Kathy said...

I like this!! I like the mood and the colors and the added plus of the bandit mask. I could FEEL the mom's emotion too.....