Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Checking in Again...

Well, here it is - the dreaded post without an illustration to go with it (gasp). I had high hopes for lots of art time over summer, but that hasn't been the case. Any free time has gone to selling the house and related home improvements and, now, sorting through things and moving to the new house next month. Oh well...

But, I wanted to check in and let you know I'm still here. And, I'm determined to do something in the sketchbook. I'll be back with a visual soon!

Ok ok! I just can't leave this without an image. So, here's a little something from the past. I just love the way the texture from the paper gave the cloak such weight in this drawing. It was an unexpected discovery. Overall, a fun doodle when I was doing it.

1 comment:

Tom Barrett said...

Funny how you think you will have more time during the summer, but I think it is when the kids are in school that the time seems to open up! : )

Hope all goes well in your move, and you can get back to drawing soon!