Of course, last night - the last possible night of vacation - I actually sat down to work on something more than just sketching and doodling. Well, I can't say that it was a new project - it was really one that I'd posted about before when it was almost done, and it sort of hung in that state ever since. So, since diving into a major new project seemed unreasonable on a Sunday evening before the start of school, I just worked on fine-tuning the old so that I could call it "done."
#1 in the series - Spring |
You may remember the "Mother Nature" doodle I did years ago, and this endeavor was simply finishing a re-do of that. It is the first of a series of 4 woman/tree drawings that will represent each of the 4 seasons. This first one is spring and I'm really excited about my idea for summer. I did do a little planning in the sketchbook on that one, but I won't reveal anything...yet.
Planning for the next one...Summer |
Of course, for better or for worse, drawing and painting (or any other creative process) is energizing to me. So, working into the night last night has its consequences - it was impossible for me to "wind down" and fall asleep for quite some time. Not good when I had to get the girls up to do lessons this morning. Still, I'm glad to be moving on from a lot of planning and idea exploration into actually producing something - it's invigorating. But, I'm anticipating many more sleepless nights coming up.
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