Sunday, August 5, 2012

Finally, Some Pictures...

Well, not only did the laptop get a virus, but the charger ceased charging.  Then, the desktop computer got a really nasty virus, rendering it useless.  And, on a sad note, my fathe- in-law, Robert Smith, passed away last weekend.  Needless to say, no mural progress worth noting has happened...that is, until now.

Little details have been my focus - the bottle and wine glasses...

...the swirled hair and curling vines on the Dionysus character...

...and the vines reaching across the top of the arch.

Now, I've started some lettering along the bottom (the mural's title) and I'll show that when I've worked out some kinks.   One thing I've realized is that I really don't like doing the lettering.  Since it's along the bottom, I have to be down low on the floor and it gets uncomfortable quickly.  Also, I tend to overfuss letters, so it can be tedious. 

The only thing after that is the field beneath the wave - I have to line up the panels in order to put in the plants and some dots of red strawberries.

The Studio Photo-Bomber Strikes Again!

Summer is running out, so I'd really like to be done and work on some personal projects for a change.  Unfortunately, I don't think much of that will happen.  So, finishing the mural will be my summer goal.

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