I've been flipping through some of my old sketchbooks that I have from back in my college days (these ones date from 1988 to 1992). It's funny because I would never have remembered some of those pictures if I hadn't seen them again. However, once I see them I can remember where I was, who my friends were at the time, etc. For some of them, a lot more memories come flooding back - where I was at the very time I drew them. Some were studies for college assignments (most meaningless) that came and went and I never saved. I even found the recipe for an oil varnish mixture that I used and wondered what I did with. However, I guess it really doesn't matter now because I'm trying to work with acrylics now.
Anyway, I've noticed that when it comes to doodling and just playing around in my sketchbook, birds seem to come through over and over. I'm not sure why. I've never considered myself a "bird" person - maybe it's just something about their features. Or, perhaps it's the variety of birds that is sort of freeing - you can get very creative, ornamental, or abstract and still end up with a bird.
Here is a drawing done in ballpoint pen from back in '88. Apparently, I did several sketches with this tool back then (it was always handy), but until I saw
Andrea Joseph's work, I don't think I ever took it seriously as a medium (check out her stuff and prepare to be dazzled). With the variety of colors available in ballpoint these days...
These other 2 were more recent doodles.
Of course, I've already posted the chicken drawing and the "Invitation to Dinner" (dialogue with bird and worm).
And there's a couple birds in the doodles of about 5 posts back (I think you can handle the scrolling).
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