Thursday, May 17, 2012

Forecast: Patchy Clouds and Blue Skies

Let the fun begin!
This is the "before"
This evening I thought I'd go back to the first panel, the first place I started over a month and a half ago - the sky.

The "after"
The first layer was just Cerulean Blue and white.  Going back through it, I am using the original mixtures plus an added mixture of the Cerulean and Ultramarine Blue which takes it a step deeper and darker = more contrast.  I work with 3 mixtures at the same time - dark, medium, and light. 

I kind of thought I'd get through more panels this evening, but I only made it through the first two.  But, this is my favorite part - I've got the basic color layer down, and now I can build and fine tune (OK, one of my favorite parts).

I also completed the tractor study.

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