Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Illustration Friday: "Pioneer"

I know - not very original. But, it's all I've got right now.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Illustration Friday: "Crunchy"

"FEE-FI-FO-FUM- I smell the blood of an Englishman" (Mmmmm! Nice and crunchy they are, too!)

This happened to be a doodle that I'd recently started and it worked out quite nicely. But, since it started as a random doodle, there're some things that I would do differently - better center the image so it fits on the page, mainly. I think I'd like to redo this one for the portfolio and maybe add a watercolor wash.

I didn't think I would have time to really work on this. But in the warm comfort of my car during the soccer tournament this weekend as the baby napped for over an hour, I was able to make a lot of progress. Gotta love those long naps!

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Animals...and the End of a Sketchbook

I really appreciate this family image.

I really enjoy drawing these animals - it's so much easier now. Not because my skills are so much better than when I was in college (although there has been improvement). It feels more psychological than anything else. It's a lot easier to relax and enjoy when you're not rushed by deadlines or have grades looming over every project.
Anyway, this set of drawings brings me to the end of my sketchbook. I started it about 10 years ago and this is its last page. I've filled other sketchbooks in the meantime. I set it aside many years ago when I was doing other types of art and little-to-no drawing. I found it and its many empty pages when I finished my last sketchbook (musn't be wasteful).
A whole book of blank pages awaits...

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Some Animal Studies

It's been a while since I've done this, but I've done a few more animal studies on my break at work.

There's a face that only a mother could love.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Illustration Friday: "Blur"

"...what happened next was just a blur."

This was another doodle from the sketchbook that I was playing with at the soccer field last weekend. Although I wasn't going for a repeat of an earlier picture, once I had the worm image developing, it only seemed logical to put in a bird. So, I'm re-posting the other - more whimsical - worm/bird picture called "An Invitation to Dinner." As you can see, the new one is a bit more ominous.

I like to see different approaches to similar ideas. In fact, that would be a fun exercise.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Illustration Friday: "Skinny"

YEAH! It just so happened that the IF theme worked well with the doodle I'd started weeks ago. It gave me the motivation to get it finished.

It will be impossible to be "skinny" with these super-sized helpings!

Friday, October 30, 2009

More Big Changes (Sure, why not?) - and a couple sketches

Wow! It's taking a lot longer to get "back to normal" than I thought. I've almost got the studio set up. But then we'll be getting some new windows which means I have to move some things out of the way. Of course, I wouldn't exactly have time right now to get out there to work.

I'm still working on a doodle in my sketchbook, but it's taking a long time. I was able to doodle a little last Sunday - just a little fun. I suppose it's some sort of little magical dwarf and his elegant horse.

With the move and the home improvements that have followed, catching up on homeschooling record-keeping, and the running-around during soccer season, I'm lucky to have gotten this done.

Things will change, though. Especially since I just found out that I will be out of a job after the new year.

Maybe I could teach some art classes. I don't know.

Of course, this has definitely been a year of changes: my dad passed away in January, baby arrived in March, spent months fixing up the old house and house-hunting, son started high school in August...might as well change jobs, too (I guess).

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Packing up the studio...

Despite my best intentions, drawing just hasn't been do-able. We're now about 2 weeks away from our move and there's still more packing to do. There'll be a yard sale this Saturday - since it's the only free Saturday now that soccer season has started again. Maybe I'll be able to draw while I'm sitting around waiting for people to buy all our stuff.

I haven't started packing up the garage/studio yet, but that's next on my list. I look forward to being able to set up a better space in the new house. It will still be in the garage, but there's a shed out in the backyard, so I won't have to share space with the lawnmower, trash cans, and other muse-killers.

Hopefully, the move will go smoothly and my next post will include at least a new doodle! In the meantime, here's a picture of one of my happy distractions.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Checking in Again...

Well, here it is - the dreaded post without an illustration to go with it (gasp). I had high hopes for lots of art time over summer, but that hasn't been the case. Any free time has gone to selling the house and related home improvements and, now, sorting through things and moving to the new house next month. Oh well...

But, I wanted to check in and let you know I'm still here. And, I'm determined to do something in the sketchbook. I'll be back with a visual soon!

Ok ok! I just can't leave this without an image. So, here's a little something from the past. I just love the way the texture from the paper gave the cloak such weight in this drawing. It was an unexpected discovery. Overall, a fun doodle when I was doing it.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Expanding the Studio and Some Creative Summer Fun

What can I say - I love a good bargain! I have a pretty traditional drawing table I've been using and it has a fair amount of table-top square footage. However, the whole thing shakes when I'm erasing something. So, last week while at a thrift store, I just couldn't pass up a sturdy metal drawing table for $14.

The drawing surface is smaller than I've had, but that's fine because I work small when drawing anyway (and I still have my other drawing table to spread out on). It's metal and HEAVY, so the thing doesn't budge while working. It has several drawers down the front and a cool locker in the back that could fit 2' x 3' canvases (or whatever). It must have been used in some sort of school setting since it had an "I love Michael" message written in pencil on the table-top and a couple wads of gum stuck underneath - all of which have been removed now. If only the garage wasn't so stifling hot to work in right now.

I also thought I'd share these little sculpted dolls and dogs that my 10 year old has been mass producing. I picked up a box of Crayola Model Magic - an air dry clay - as a little something to do during summer. Turns out my 10 yr old has a knack for sculpture. I was quite impressed with her efforts and had to share them. This is only a fraction of the little figures that she's created. Look out 101 Dalmations...I've lost count.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Illustration Friday: "Drifting"

Here's my take on this weeks theme. Simple composition, but I like it. However, now I'm thinking I should have put some boxes (or something) in the boxcar behind the figure - just a few off to one side for more visual interest.

I like working with the ink and watercolor - I get the detail I like and the coloring is quick and easy.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Just for fun...

Just on a whim I started some doodles, using the same shapes as a jumping off point for each - the circle within 2 circles as shown at the top of the page. Even though I didn't have a specific idea of what to do most of the time, I would just build on the shapes and see what they became. Inevitably, once you eliminate the obvious, you just build and build, but it doesn't really become anything in particular (i.e. the thing at the bottom). Still, it's pages like this that can lead to future projects.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Illustration Friday "Unfold" ...Sort of...

"How will this story unfold?"

Well, because of a convenient nap, I was able to get a color study done of my intended composition. This isn't the finished product, but it's all I could do before the deadline. I'll post the final some day - I'll let you know how it "unfolds."

So, the purpose of this study was to practice an interior, low-light scene. I went with a limited Thalo blue, Cadmium Orange Medium, Cadmium Yellow, Mars Black and Titanium White colors. I tended to use blue/black mixtures for the background and complementary blue/orange mixtures for the main subject and lighted areas, making them a bit more vibrant. I used the yellow in limited situations for warmth in the illuminated areas.

A big challenge was figuring out a good skin tone for this situation. But, overall, I think I did manage to learn something. So, hopefully, the final will be a little easier. It was worth it to do this rough study. It allowed me to be looser than I normally am and just focus on color.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

This Could Take a While...

It's Wednesday and I'm quickly losing hope of being able to post my Illustration Friday painting before the theme changes. I did a color study last night that was absolutely horrid. I worked on one tonight with a little improvement. But, my time seems to be limited to after 8:00 p.m. when the baby goes to bed. By then, I have little steam.

Oh well...At least I'm solving a technical riddle (for me anyway). That is, figuring out color and value for an interior, low-light setting. This would be a wonderful moment to have a mentor, but since I'm short one, I've been searching the web for visual aids. They haven't been easy to find. Any search for interior paint/light seems to take me to interior decorating info. I already painted the living room and have no plans to do it again.

I did come across a couple of illustrations that I do admire. I will post them here with full credit and links to the artists in hopes that they don't mind (if so, I'll promptly remove this post).

Anyway, I really enjoy the work of the artist known on the web as Samuel123 (shown above) - he has several images involving interiors with a directed light source and unique characters. What struck me about his work is the warmth - I tend to gravitate toward cool blues when thinking "shadow."

This image was a nice example of backlighting for me - the glow that happens around figures and objects when lit from behind. I also like the color palette - much different combo of warm and cool than the work above. It just goes to show that there are different options. The artist, Maryam, has a style that I appreciate as well.

I don't mind missing the Illustration Friday deadline since this is one of those learning moments. It reminds me of when I did the "Why Did the Chicken Cross the Road" drawing last year - it became big project during which I learned a lot about color and light in an outdoor evening scene with neon and twinkling lights (not that it's perfect or anything - probably not enough contrast and shadow to qualify as a night scene, and I don't use photoshop or anything.).

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Nothing's ever simple...

I found a character sketch in my sketchbook that I thought would work for this weeks Illustration Friday theme "unfold" - as in, "how will this scenario unfold?" I want to keep on with the painting practice, so that's my intended medium.

As I drew out the scene, I realized that this would be best as an interior setting in dim light.

Some of my favorite works that others have done have been set in low light - either outdoors or indoors. But, I've never really done one of my own before. Of course, that means approaching light and color in a way that is new to me. Therefore...research and color studies. And, if you've never stopped by James Gurney's blog, he's an outstanding artist and a regular wealth of technical art instruction. I did find some great images of light and color (albeit outdoor scenes) that have inspired me.

Anyway, rather than simply being able to sit down and start creating, I've had to do samples of different color mixtures, mainly in the blue and purple range mixed with black and umber (I already have studies of complements). Sometimes there's a sort of glow that can come from whatever the light source is, so I've also done a few mixtures with yellow.

I don't usually post my prelim sketches and studies for an IF theme, but then this is much more involved than usual (nothing's ever simple). But, I now have a nice reference sheet, although I can't say exactly which color I'm going to use in which part. I guess I'll just dive in and we'll see how this all "unfolds..."

Friday, June 12, 2009

Summer's Here...

While we're continuing to do math through summer (rather than spend the first few months of September re-teaching everything), the multi-subject demands of the year are gone. Like last summer, I plan to add to the portfolio. I also have an unfinished color study project from last year.

Last night, I was able to spend a few minutes out in "the studio" (aka drawing table in the garage - only usable during the warm season...luckily we live in California so that's a lot of the year). I didn't really have a specific direction; just did a bit of doodling (see above) and searching through the sketchbook for potential subjects. My 6 yo daughter came out to join me - she drew the cat on the page above, and I added the patterning - fun time. Getting started can sometimes be the hardest part. I don't think any of these doodles will go anywhere, but you never know what might come out...
Anyway, some plans for summer include: 1) illustrating a fable or other scene from an existing story, 2) doing a series of scenerios featuring one character, 3) doing more paintings in acrylic paint try and master the media, and 4) do a series of 4 holiday card designs. Of course, a lot depends on whether or not we sell our house and have to move over summer. It's always something...

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Illustration Friday: "Craving"

A portrait of the artist as a multitude of cravings. As the saying goes: you are what you eat.

My effort with acrylic paints were slightly better this time. However, I was rather annoyed with the whole thing for a while into it. I have so much more of a grasp on drawing, but I'm still figuring out a lot of things with acrylics (and painting, in general). I had enough gumption to stick with it and I'm pretty happy with the outcome.

I think acrylics was a good medium to use on this subject, partly because of all the creamy frostings involved. By the end of it, I did have a better understanding of the medium and how I work with it:

1. I much prefer the heavy bodied Liquitex paints I have rather than the Grumbacher tubes which are more "runny." The Liquitex feel more like the thicker oils I was more used to in college.

2. The extender I have is pretty useless.

3. I'm beginning to like the quicker drying time - it serves my impatience well, allowing me to rework areas almost immediately and to utilize dry brush effects that I like.

4. I really need to invest in some better paint brushes.

I also fell back on the "easier for me" expressionistic color palette rather than taking the time to mix more natural colors. But the, sweets tend to be more colorful anyway. So, it works.

Anyway, my family arrived home from camping today. My oldest daughter made me a portrait of her own from nature as a present as today is my birthday.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

And now for something completely different...

Well, the family is away camping this weekend - except for the baby and I, of course. I haven't had this kind of free time - after Lindy goes to bed - in a long time! I can actually consider going beyond the quick(er) pencil drawing for Illustration Friday.

I don't have anything to post on the IF theme yet. But, I'm goin' "color" for a change. That's right, stepping out of the old comfort zone and working with paint. My internal debate has been over whether to do an ink drawing filled in with watercolor (not really a step outside the zone as it still relies on drawing), or work completely in acrylic (my nemesis). Funny thing is, there are different parts of the design that would work well with one rather than other.

But, no. It's time to face my demons and do something different. I'm very detail-oriented in drawing (to state the obvious), and painting is a looser medium. I'm actually quite drawn to painterly works, but have a hard time doing them myself. Just...can't...stop...defining.

But, then again, there is such a thing as a fine bristle brush. It may not be popular in these modern times, but who says I can't do something detailed in paint, by golly. I wasted an earlier art life thinking to hard about what was modern and new stylistically. Think I've learned my lesson - my natural tendencies are how God made me unique. I'll just squeeze out the paint colors and see what happens - I've had better results with that approach.

So, the above post is a resurrected painting in acrylic in anticipation of what's to come (sorry if you remember seeing it before).

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Illustration Friday: "Adapt"

As it is with many things, flying insects have had to adapt or risk becoming obsolete. This outdated model is rarely seen in the wild anymore, unlike the more modern models.

Also, since this drawing started as a doodle, I had to adapt to the lines and shapes that were present in the beginning.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Illustration Friday: "Cracked"

The baby's sleep patterns are more regular now and several school year obligations have ended. That means I have a teensy bit more time to draw than I used to. So, here's a little something for Illustration Friday (sure to creep-out young children and others with clown phobias).

This started as a doodle. The clown character came through pretty quick. But, then I saw the IF theme and took it in that direction.
It's funny how certain flaws are obvious when you are looking at an uploaded picture! Since it was doodle - not planned out - his closest arm looks shorter in proportion in my attempt to fit it all on the page. I hate cutting off hands; a carry-over from my art education. (The next bit of info should be a new paragraph. HOWEVER, for some reason, Blogger refuses to recognize the multiple times I hit the ENTER key to create space - don't know if anyone else has this problem, but it drives me nuts).
Still in the midst of trying to sell our house and get a 4 bedroom. We have an offer on one which would actually have a detached bachelor house in the backyard that could be used as a studio!!! Don't know if we'll get's hoping.

Monday, May 18, 2009

You know how bunnies multiply...

So, here's another bunny. This idea sort of popped into my head. I'm not sure it's fully resolved to my liking, but it's complete enough for posting. I struggled a little with the feet as I really don't know what the underside of bunny feet look like, and I didn't have any bunnies handy. It was also a lesson in rendering bubbles. Overall, I think I pulled it off.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Birds, Boats, and Bunnies...

A week or so ago I started a little doodle that didn't go anywhere...or so I thought. It was small and was something like a caterpillar if you look at it one way...or was it bunnies in capes (You decide). I was leaning toward the bunnies, but I had no interest (or time) to take it any further.

The other night, I found some time when all the kids were in bed and I still had a little energy to draw. I thought I'd elaborate on the caped bunny, and I was actually quite happy with the character that came out. So, what would a RABBIT pull out of a hat? A magician?

One illustration exercise I'd read about was taking one character and exploring different expressions, scenarios, etc. I haven't really done a lot of that, so I thought I'd do another bunny.

I don't know what it is about this character, but I really like it! There's something a little extra human about it. I really like the facial expression - believable (would any parent say "no" to this face?). I guess it's not exactly the same character as the one in the cape - they seem different in age - perhaps father and son.

While I worked, I also thought about how I really like my 4B pencil (used on the jammies). I don't know why - I just like the the value, and the lead just seems to "flow" smoothly. Maybe it's just this brand of pencil (Staedtler Mars Lumograph - my faves since college).

Anyway, I think I'll work on some more bunnies when I have the chance - a nice change from birds. I started a bunny today at Lake Cachuma while my older girls were on a bird-watching cruise. My son stayed with me on-shore since I had to stay with the baby. I didn't get much drawing done, but we had our own bird encounter. Some Scrub Jays came to visit us, coming VERY close (and they weren't scared off when I moved to get my camera). They're a beautiful blue and they're all over the place around these parts.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

So much to do, so little time...

Well, can't say I've had time for any art!!! The baby is starting to settle into some good sleeping patterns (Woohoo). But, she lost a lot of weight and wasn't gaining it back - she dropped a whole pound in her first week of life and then gained only 3 oz. back during her first month. It was very worrisome, to say the least. Nothing can tear you apart like the thought that your baby isn't thriving or is suffering in some way. But, praise God! Combining nursing and formula seemed to solve the issue - she's gained over a pound in the past week! She's got rosey cheeks and a sparkle in her eyes, now. She smiles and coos - so happy!

Another distraction is that we've officially put our house up for sale as of today. That has meant a lot of cleaning (me having to be a drill sargeant in making sure the kids pick up their messes), and finishing a few unfinished projects around the house. I recently repainted all the kitchen cabinets and put new hardware on the doors-n-drawers. So, at least I've gotten to paint something.

Yet another distraction was the recent Jesusita fire down in Santa Barbara. While that was about an hour away and our home was in no danger, it did come within a few miles of my husband's work. He had to be evacuated last Friday. The last thing we need is for him (primary breadwinner) to lose his place of employment. Praises (again) that his workplace was spared.

We'll see what happens as the school year comes to a close here soon. Maybe there'll be time to draw again soon.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Illustration Friday: "Theater"

This is actually several things - it's the result of the bird-like doodle I posted previously, and I had planned to fit it into last week's IF topic of "impossibility." However, it was an impossibility for me to finish it before the end of the week. But, when I saw the theme for this week, I thought it would fit well enough.

I actually struggled a lot with the values in this as I did it. I'm still not sure I'm happy with it - I wonder what it would be like to switch and make the darker flowers light, and the lighter flowers in the foreground darker. But, that will never happen - I was lucky to find the time to do this as it is. It's also not the best quality photograph. One of these days I'll have to hook up the scanner again and see if it still works.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Sneak Preview...What Will It Be?

It's spring break this week, and it was a goal of mine to try and open the sketchbook if I could. Of course, finding the time is difficult. Well, actually, if I could find a way to set-up the sketchbook in a workable position while nursing the baby, I'd have lots of time (she eats all the time).

But, I did start a doodle - something I haven't done in a while. I wrote in the past about how birds often come out of these doodles. As you can see by what I've shown here, some sort of bird seems to be coming through...or is it? I definitely was pursuing the beak and eyeball. However, the fun thing about doing these doodles is that - if I just take my time, playing with lines, shapes, and values - other surprises often materialize. I actually started to see other possibilities that I'd like to explore.

So, I will post the finished product as soon as I can string together some drawing time. You'll just have to check back later and see what became of it.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Illustration Friday: "Fleeting"

Miracle of miracles! Not only did I find a few minutes to draw, but I actually have something to fit the theme!

Fleeting = the time I have to draw.
Fleeting = the time that she will stay asleep.
Fleeting = the time that she will hold this position (hands and head moved several times during this drawing).
Fleeting = the time that she will be this small.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Home from the Hospital...

At last, a moment.

Our 4th child was due March 20th and it just so happened that I went into labor on that evening. But, little Lindy Ann arrived around 2:00 a.m. on March 21st. I spent a couple of days in the hospital and we came home Sunday night.
She actually slept pretty well in the hospital and I took a few minutes to sketch her. I had to share a room, so these were done in very low light as it was the middle of the night. But, I think I captured her pretty well.

Things are going pretty well. Hopefully, I can get a few more sketches done at some point. I have a lot of help - sometimes too much - from her older siblings (who just LOVE her and argue over holding her).

Friday, March 13, 2009

Glass from the Past...

Things are looking up - several work and teaching responsibilities have been set aside, projects around the house are near completion, and it's almost baby time. Could be any day I guess, but I'm hoping to get a little closer to the due date. I have my bags packed for the hospital, including my sketchbook and pencils.

In the meantime, I visited Kathleen Rietz's blog and saw a posting of a glass mosaic that she'd done. That reminded me that in the past I had enjoyed making stained glass panels. HEY! At last, something art-related for me to post about!

These are a few panels I did over 10 years ago, but I've never posted (not the best pictures - poor light - I'll try to remedy that soon). The kids designs (Humpty Dumpty and Counting Sheep) were in their bedroom windows until we moved here - now they're in my kitchen, helping to keep the neighbors from peering straight in.

I always loved glass projects - there was a certain amount of mystery as to how it would actually look once completed. Unless you have a light table (which I don't), you really can't see the full effect until the pieces are soldered together and you can lift the panel off the board. Then, you catch a first glimpse of the colors illuminated.

I always enjoyed the different textures and patterns of glass that you can get, too. Hopefully someday I'll be able to dive into another glass project. However, right now is just tooooooooo busy!