Monday, March 24, 2008

Mission Accomplished...NEXT?

Well, I actually finished something that I've been thinking about - but was unable to get to - for months. I redid my sketchbook doodle of "Spectator Ant" and managed to bring it to some level of completion with watercolor washes this afternoon.


I think I'm happy with it overall. I had originally only intended to do it as an ink drawing, so I used regular drawing paper and not a heavier paper. I was a little concerned about putting washes on it, that the paper wouldn't hold up very well. It did buckle a bit, however a low heat iron smoothed it out quite nicely.

So, what's next? I've got the week ahead of me (sort of). Should I do some new doodles? Or revisit old ones? Actually, there is one doodle that I'd like to redo since I destroyed it with an awful background. I'll share soon.

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