Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Back to the Doodleboard...

I started a new doodle in the sketchbook today. It feels like it's been a while as I spent most of March turning some past doodles into more complete works. I've got more to do before I share, but seeing this one unfold has been interesting.

As I began, it was hard to get focused since we were at my son's science co-op (several families working out of the same book who get together to do the labs). It wasn't my turn to teach this week, so I was able to take a few minutes and draw. Shortly into it, I was quite surprised because what was coming out seemed like quite the departure - it had a distinct Art Deco feel and I'm not sure I liked it. But, I feel that way about a lot of my doodles in the early stages (like the tiger). I tell myself to just stick with it and work it through, and I can usually take it somewhere I really like. We'll see...

In the meantime, I'll just share a couple pictures of 2 of my kids at the outing we took with friends to a Nojoqui Falls not far from our home. They were dry in these pictures, but by the time we left...

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