Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Goodbye to Christmas - Hello New Year!

The cookies have been baked (and consumed), the presents have been opened (and assembled), and the stockings are now empty (no matter how hopeful the little guy up top may be). And now, I have a day or two that I can do a little bit in the sketchbook before I have to think about school again.

I had the forethought to take my drawing stuff to the doctor's office yesterday as the waiting room was packed and I was able to start the above drawing. I didn't know what it was going to be - it started as a doodle. But, it turned out to be very appropriate for the time of year and my feelings about the season at the moment (funny how those things can come through when you're not actually conscious of it). Christmas was sort of a blur - here and gone - and I feel like I hardly had time to enjoy it. However, I'm ready to put it all away and try again next year. In the meantime, 2009 ought to be interesting - full of changes!

This drawing is a little different for me in that I never do such minimal eyes - little more than dots. I usually draw more detail in the face in general. I'm happy that I came up with the appropriate age - often, my young children look older than I intend them to. I think I achieved the right amount of squat pugginess for a toddler.

This blog needed a little punch of color, too!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Considering becoming a hermit so I can draw and paint again!

I can't believe it's nearly Christmas - I've only done a smidge of Christmas shopping, no Christmas cards mailed out, no cookies made, barely have any decorations up, no tree yet, and soccer tournaments every weekend (whose idea was that??).

On the upside, schooling obligations are ending for the year and a break is coming. The co-op class I was teaching ended this last week and I'm cutting back to just core subjects with my kids. Of course, I still have some grading and some loose ends to tie up before I can put it all aside. I just feel like Christmas is going to fly right by and will not have had time to enjoy any of it. Argh!

I'm really feeling the desire to go someplace where no one can find me and just retreat into "drawing and painting land" - it's always an escape and it's long overdue.
All I have to share is a random page from an older sketchbook (sigh).

Monday, November 24, 2008

Busy, busy, busy and TAG! I'm it.

Well, I've been away for a little while - our homeschool group had its annual art and talent show recently. I put together the program covers together and shared the drawing for it earlier. But, here's the final result.

Besides that, we've had assorted end-of-season soccer parties (now all-stars begins), we've been putting together spring classes for our co-op, and a couple of my kids had a recent encounter with the stomach flu.

So, I have been on to respond to being "Tagged" by Tom Barrett. I get to share 7 things about myself. Hmmmmmm, why does this seem hard? I mean, I'm sharing stuff on my blog all the time. I guess there's plenty of stuff I haven't shared yet. So, let's see what I can dig up...

1. I go through phases when I really get into cooking - I get tired of making the same things (which tends to happen when I'm busy) and I'll start craving other flavors and variety. I'll be making the Thanksgiving dinner this year for only the 2nd time ever.

2. For someone who works in a bookstore and enjoys children's books, I really haven't read very much. I wasn't that into reading as a kid and I was never assigned the reading lists that are given out today. I'm really enjoying reading a lot of those missed titles aloud to my kids every morning (we're reading "The Westing Game" by Ellen Raskin right now).

3. More than reading, I was much more into drawing (obviously) and writing. I used to write screenplays starring all of my stuffed animals and the model horses I collected. I partially minored in creative writing in college but ran out of steam before finishing.

4. Growing up, I wanted to be a horse trainer or forest ranger.

5. I'm related to a famous modern-day explorer - Rober Ballard (finder of the Titanic, Bismark, and assorted other historic vessels). He's my uncle (my maiden-name was Ballard).

6. I have very ecclectic tastes in music. I like anything from country and bluegrass to classical to rock. Mainly, I listen to a lot modern Christian rock these days.

7. Speaking of music, I got into the whole punk/alternative thing as it flourished when I was in high school and college. While I still enjoy some of that music in terms of style, I've come to regard the message and the language (and the "scene" in general) irritating rather than intriguing like I did when I was a teenager. And, I married a man who plays bass for and listens to only punk rock bands.

So, those are 7 things you probably didn't know about me. In turn I'm tagging the following artists to share 7 things about themselves (but don't feel obligated).

Kathy Hare

Julia Denos

Shawna JC Tenney

Friday, November 7, 2008

Illustration Friday: "Wise"

Forgive me for resurrecting a picture posted a long while back, but I knew I wouldn't have time to explore something new this week. It's not the most original interpretation of the word - I'm guessing there will be a number of owls posted this week. But it is one of my favorite drawings and it's always fun to see how everyone can approach the same subject in different ways.

At one point, I xeroxed the drawing and colorized it with watercolors to see how that would look (yes - I'm that low-tech). The result is below.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Illustration Friday: "Vacant"

This was one of those instances where I had an idea jump into my head as soon as I read the prompt.

Well, I didn't exactly envision the above drawing. But, I did immediately think of the bronze figure sculptures of antiquity - I've always noted their more stylized features (like swirly hair) and the empty, "vacant" eyes that so many of them have. So, starting with that, the drawing just sort of evolved from there.

I was thinking that I might have a close-up of the head with a figure peering into the eye. But, as I began working on it, the figure ended up being placed at a distance.

One struggle I had was that some of the poses I envisioned were a little tough for me to pull off. Usually, I'll recruit one of the kids to pose for me when I get stuck. But since they were already in bed, I had to change some plans. Anyway, I realized that I need to do some practice sketches involving more dynamic gestures.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Career Path - Plan B...and Other Things

I've recently discovered sites like iFreelance and have browsed some of their illustration jobs for potential shots at getting some experience under my belt. As I looked at the descriptions and deadlines, it occurred to me that I might need to rethink my book illustration plans. The few listings that were of any interest to me had 4-6 month deadlines. Those projects would most certainly be disrupted by things like giving birth to baby #4 and adding a newborn to our menagerie.

Since my other kids were getting older and more independent, I was working toward illustration knowing that I would have access to "time" more than I used to. So, realistically, I don't think I could attempt a book project for a while.

Being a children's book illustrator is my ultimate goal. But I started to think that, in the meantime, a good area to focus on a gain experience might be with greeting cards. I don't know how many people out there do that (I'd love to hear about the pros and cons from anyone with experience - what do people charge for such projects?). I was a little discouraged to think that my illustration plans would be pushed back, but this strikes me as a lot more do-able.

So, I think that's what I'll research at the moment - provided our computer doesn't die. It's behaving worse than dial-up at the moment so I'm a little concerned. I made CD back-ups of all my photos that I stored on this thing last night (just in case). If I suddenly disappear for a little period of time, then it's because I threw the computer out the window.
As for the picture above, it's just one from the sketchbook from about a year ago. I may have posted it before, but I don't remember. It doesn't have anything to do with the topic - I just don't like to post without a picture on an illustration blog. Perhaps these could be characters for some sort of greeting cards...who knows?

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Project for an Upcoming Kids Art Event

Here's a little side project that I've been doing for our homeschool group's Fine Arts Festival (art show and talent show) that's coming up soon. This is the design for the program cover. It's a doodle from waaaaayyyyy back - about a year ago - that I thought would be appropriate for the event. Different parents have always done the cover, but I think starting next year, we're going to hold a design contest for the kids. Winning design gets to be the cover.
I'm pretty happy with it except for the 8 in 2008 - but, it's done in ink. Maybe I can make an adjustment with white paint. White-out certainly makes things worse (tried that before - yikes!). I suppose that's the downside of not working on the computer. Oh well, maybe I just won't worry about it. I'm certain the audience won't care, but it's that bit of perfectionism that comes through when I'm working on a project.
This design will run on white paper and be inset on red or black cardstock (the colors of the event are red and black). If it's on black card, it will have red ribbon; if it's on red card, it will have red ribbon (on the spine).

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Illustration Friday: "Late"

Thought I'd pull this one out of the sketchbook as it seemed appropriate for the topic. I did post this a couple months back - so it might looked familiar if you've visited here before. But, it wasn't totally complete at that time. I've since filled in the empty spots and added the clock hands. It's not my favorite drawing, but this will be my teaching week and I won't have time for something new.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Illustration Friday: "Strings"

I made it - just under the wire. Since this is the week I don't teach my class, I really wanted to try and do something for IF. (Click on the picture to see more detail).

I always chuckle when I see those rope lines meant to get young kids from point A to point B. The kids are always doing different things as they move along, usually getting distracted, BUT they dutifully hold onto the rope. I once watched one little girl who was bringing up the rear as she looked everywhere except where she was going, just following the tug of the rope, and she ran smack into a door frame (barely phased her - she was fine).

Anyway, that's what jumped into my head when I saw the topic.

I hope to add color to this one day, but I knew that wasn't going to happen before they changed the topic. I'll repost it in the future. I can see that I really have to make an effort to carve out time to work on illustrations these days with everything going on. And, it's only going to get busier as the holidays approach (YIKES). Oh well, such is life...

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Kid Stuff Keeping Me Busy...

Well...I at least looked at the Illustration Friday topic and even doodled a few thoughts. But, this just isn't going to be the week to get something like that done.

Every other Wednesday throughout the school year about 30+ homeschooling families meet to share our gifts and teach classes to all the kids. I'm teaching an art class for kids 9 years to early teen that looks at how the portrait has been depicted throughout history. We started with Ancient Mesopotamia and the Abu Temple figures (known for thier huge eyes and stair-step hair and beards).

Today, after studying the style points and the color symbolism, they painted Egyptian-Style portraits on plaster tiles.

We only have an hour together and there's quite a variety of ages and abilities in the class, but I think they're all having fun and learning something at the same time - that's the main point, after all.
Maybe I'll be able to get to IF next week...

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Illustration Friday - "Packed"

Unbelievable! I actually had a few minutes last night, so I thought I'd just play around with the theme. The word "packed" made me think of going places with kids...and all of the "stuff" that goes along with them. I ended up doing something that I actually liked!

Of course, it's only a pencil sketch - no color, no polish. But, that's one of the things I like about it - I didn't take the time to get all fussy about it. So, here it is - as is. I call it "Goin' to Grandma's."

Friday, September 26, 2008

Lamenting My Lack of Illo Time on a Very Special Day

My son and I were going back through the pages of my sketchbook as I am just a few pages from filling it. I really enjoyed my time drawing and painting in this past year, and it's been pretty difficult to find the time lately (or the motivation when I do have the time). But, such is life right now...

I did recently do some sketches of various characters. I've only pictured one of them here (guess I forgot to photograph the other - baby brain). While it's Li'l Red Riding Hood-ish, that's not what was motivating me. I can really get in a rut, drawing things in the same way all the time, so I just wanted to play around and try to do something with a little different "feel." I don't know if I was successful - I don't think I can divorce myself completely.
The figure is always a challenge. I'll do something that I sort of like, and then I'll see other people's work that is different (and impressive), and it makes me want to try a different angle. I guess that goes back to my desire not to pigeon-hole myself by limiting my style. In the long run, I don't know if that's a good thing (I'd like to think it is). But, I think I'd go nuts if I was simply drawing illo after illo in the same style. Exploring and inventing are half the fun!
Anyway, today was a very special day because my youngest turned 6 years old! HAPPY BIRTHDAY JOLEY!

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Sketches...as promised...

Tis the hectic season of school starting again, soccer starting, our large-scale co-op (where I teach a class) starting as well, and a wonderful visit from some out-of-town family. So, I needed to really focus on those other things, but I think I'm starting to settle into what is to be "normal" for the school year. I'm getting an idea of what my routine will be and when I can possibly squeeze in some drawing or painting.

Anyway, here are a couple of sketches from our camping trip last month. The one above is of my 2 girls playing in the river - that's how they spent most of their time during the hot days.

There was no shortage of trees along the river's edge whose intricate roots were exposed going down into the water. I wish I'd had time to add color. Oh well...

I think I need some direction - a specific project to work on. I'm not very content with just doodling right now. I'll have to see if I can squeeze in an Illustration Friday project this week.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008


Friend and fellow dog-lover Kate sent an award my way (Yeah! It's a first). Here's Basha playing in the creek during our recent camping adventure.

Now, if only I could think of someone to pass the award on to...

Well, next time I'll be back with some sketches. I've still got a bit of work to do to get ready for the school year.

Friday, August 22, 2008

I'm back!

Where does the time go. I've had a little time of rest, but I've also had to get books and lessons together for the upcoming school year - lots of meetings to attend. There've also been several doctors appointments - I think I've had more blood drawn than should be allowed.

We went on our camping trip last week - about an hour and a half away in the Los Padres National Forest. Everyone - including the dog - was looking forward to it.

Manzana Creek ran by our campsite and the kids spent many hours splashing and keeping cool.
There were many frogs to catch (and the dog did her share of chasing tadpoles).
I did manage to spend a little time drawing some of the scenery and even a little frog who posed for me on top of a rock. It was hard to find as much time to draw as I would have liked with family hikes, meal preparation, etc. I brought watercolors along, hoping to do some color studies, but never got around to it.
I'll share some of the sketches I did next time as I haven't uploaded them yet.

Well, tomorrow is the first day of soccer games.
And so it begins...

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Checking in with BIG news!

Hi everyone! Just checking in briefly. We're getting ready to go on our camping trip this weekend and I hope to relax and do some drawing there.

It has been difficult to get to the studio recently. A big reason is now visible in my sidebar - we're expecting baby #4 due March 20. SURPRISE! That was probably my 4th choice of sidebar widget, but I couldn't get any of my favorites to work properly.

Anyway, one of the early pregnancy side effects I always have is extreme sleepiness. I feel OK first thing in the morning, but quickly hit a wall and have to lay down. I'm taking advantage of that while I can, before the school year gets underway.

I don't get morning sickness too bad - just a little queasiness and have to keep eating little snacks to feel better. Drawing has been a bit of a problem - something about being so focused close up and the motion of my hand. It's kind of like reading in a moving car. I guess that explains why my last drawing made me nauseous.

Of course, this might change the timeline as far as an illustration career goes. We'll see how it all unfolds!

Monday, August 4, 2008

Taking a little time off...be back soon!

Right now, there are some things that I need to do around my home to prepare for the upcoming school year (coming too quickly). We're also going camping in a week, so we'll be away from technology for a little while.

I hope to be sketching and exploring some different avenues during this time. I just won't be posting anything.

Check back soon.


Saturday, August 2, 2008

The hazards of drawing while sick...

I started work on a doodle that I was liking at first...now I can't stand it. I've come to the conclusion that I really don't like this style. So, it will forever remain unfinished - no hands on the clock, figures not complete, etc.

I've also been sick to my stomach this past week (literally). You know how when you eat something when you're sick, and then it sort of ruins that food for you? You associate that flavor with nausea for a long time after. I was wondering if the same thing can happen visually. Whenever I go back to this drawing, I notice my stomach feeling bad. Maybe that's part of my dislike for this picture.

Anyway, I need to pursue styles of working that aren't sooooooo tedious. This style of work is actually similar as several of my favorite drawings - the owl, the clown-like figures, the tiger I use for my avatar - but, I tend not to like things that are flat. Doing the figures in line obviously makes them very flat. At first I thought it would be interesting to combine line with shaded areas. But, I'm really not liking it here.

Oh well, back to the drawing board. Hope no one else gets sick looking at this (ha ha).

Saturday, July 26, 2008

A Moment to Regroup and Redirect...

I really don't have any pressing projects. The "class" that I started the painting series for is almost over and I'm nowhere near done (of course, I knew that would be the case - I've planned about 10 illustrations for a 6-meeting class). It's more of a personal project, so it's "to be continued" at my leisure. But, since I haven't exactly made friends with acrylics, sometimes I just don't feel like working on it. I'd rather draw something "for fun" right now.

I've been thinking about a lot of things that have been competing for my time and trying to prioritize. I'll have to start putting together our next year's homeschooling plan VERY soon and get various co-ops in motion that I'm involved in. I think it's safe to say that I probably won't be posting more than once or twice a week (which is more than enough anyway).

I mentioned that there were possibilities for more hours and greater responsibility at work, but that's an area that's going to have to give. Soccer season will be starting very soon and I'll have 3 kids on 3 different teams - adding hours to my work schedule might push me over the edge of sanity and will make me less flexible for those things.

Besides, as much as I like my workplace, my plan is to ultimately move into freelance illustration - definitely what I would like to do as a career and more workable around family needs. I'm not going to quit the bookstore or anything at this point, I'm just not going to increase that load - in fact, I'm going to cut back to 4 nights right now. I think my family would appreciate it as well.

So, I've been browsing online portfolios and have been blessed by advice from a couple working illustrators. I think for starters, I'll finally join the Society of Children's Book Writers & Illustrators - a valuable support network for writers and illustrators (published and unpublished). Along with that, I'll check into some of the free online portfolios. Later, as I'm able to add more work to my portfolio, then I'll look into some of the online porfolios that require an annual fee (but will boost visibility to get my work "out there").

Mainly, I'm reminded of the fact that I can't do EVERYTHING! There just aren't enough hours in the day and, now and then, I realize that I don't have unlimited energy (gasp!).

The picture posted above is obviously from the sketchbook (which is almost full!) - it's a return to the animal field guide studies at breaktime that I haven't done in a while. I'm becoming much more comfortable with rapid observation and rendering - I can work pretty quickly on those 10 minute breaks.

I also decided to do a detailed drawing starting from a random doodle - another thing I haven't done in a while (that's my "for fun" thing). I look forward to sharing that soon. It's always a surprise and a joy to see what comes out of those!

Friday, July 25, 2008

Slowing Down This Week...

It's come to my attention that I'm TIRED! I had planned on taking some much needed time to rest and relax this week. And, although there's no such thing as a whole week without commitments (I still had to work, had one meeting to attend - that went all day -, and a beach day with friends), I was able to take a nap here and there. And, obviously, I haven't been drawing and posting very much.

This morning, I took my youngest in to the doctor to have her cast removed. I did take my sketchbook, though. We weren't long in the waiting room, so I only sketched a couple of the people waiting. Then I sketched my daughter as she waited for the nurse to come in with the power tool used to cut it off (she looks a little apprehensive, doesn't she?).

Monday, July 21, 2008

I Guess My Art is "For the Birds..."

I've been flipping through some of my old sketchbooks that I have from back in my college days (these ones date from 1988 to 1992). It's funny because I would never have remembered some of those pictures if I hadn't seen them again. However, once I see them I can remember where I was, who my friends were at the time, etc. For some of them, a lot more memories come flooding back - where I was at the very time I drew them. Some were studies for college assignments (most meaningless) that came and went and I never saved. I even found the recipe for an oil varnish mixture that I used and wondered what I did with. However, I guess it really doesn't matter now because I'm trying to work with acrylics now.

Anyway, I've noticed that when it comes to doodling and just playing around in my sketchbook, birds seem to come through over and over. I'm not sure why. I've never considered myself a "bird" person - maybe it's just something about their features. Or, perhaps it's the variety of birds that is sort of freeing - you can get very creative, ornamental, or abstract and still end up with a bird.

Here is a drawing done in ballpoint pen from back in '88. Apparently, I did several sketches with this tool back then (it was always handy), but until I saw Andrea Joseph's work, I don't think I ever took it seriously as a medium (check out her stuff and prepare to be dazzled). With the variety of colors available in ballpoint these days...

These other 2 were more recent doodles.
Of course, I've already posted the chicken drawing and the "Invitation to Dinner" (dialogue with bird and worm).
And there's a couple birds in the doodles of about 5 posts back (I think you can handle the scrolling).

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Illustration Friday - "Enough"

At first I wasn't sure what I'd do for this, but the first thing that popped into my mind was a song called "Enough." Then I remembered a sketch I'd done about 4 years ago - I was doing a lot of stained glass back then and it was a design for a glass panel (entitled "Ascension"). It also reminded me of one main aspect of my faith - that Christ's death and resurrection were "enough." The debt is paid in full.

When designing for stained glass, you have to consider things like how to divide up the picture into pieces that aren't too impossible to cut out of glass (which prefers to break in a straight line). In this drawing, I was able to disregard some of those restrictions, such as allowing the hand to extend beyond the frame. Being a religious theme, however, I thought it appropriate to keep the stained glass design quality in the shapes.

I never got a chance to make the panel, but I would like to someday. I did not add any color because I intend to use different textures of clear glass or very subtle colors. Maybe some day...

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

"Lure" Color Study

I spent some time working on the painted study for "Lure." While I'm not completely comfortable with acrylics, it was a much more pleasant experience this time. There's still a lot of "discovery" in regards to color - I don't feel like I'm totally in control of that aspect.

But, brushwork is coming a little more easily - it's more enjoyable.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Next in the Series...

As I mentioned before, I'm taking an illustration "class" at the local city college. There's not really instruction - it's more about pursuing our own projects and bouncing ideas off of each other.

The paintings I shared recently were studies done for my project. Part of my goal is to practice working with acrylics while creating a sort of memoir. The idea sprung from the fact that my oldest just turned 13, which made me think of when I was that age...and the series of decisions (good and poor) that followed. Through the illustration of single words, the series will reflect where I was around that age, the various stages and struggles that I passed through the following years, and will end at the point I am fast approaching - when my own child will have to step out and face those same struggles and decisions. You hope they won't make the same mistakes!

One neat thing is that I went through some old drawings from my late teens (early college days) and found a couple that would be great for some of the words I chose to illustrate (shown above). I like that I can take something from the actual time period I want to represent. The picture shown here was done over 20 years ago (obviously before I started working with a much wider tonal range). I will pull from it and tweak it a bit to illustrate the next word/stage - "Lure."

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Long Time - No See

Hi Folks! I'm back from the CHEA convention. I thought I'd be able to post something before I left, but I just ran out of time.
Overall, it was a GREAT time - 4 of us made the drive down to Long Beach. I lived there for about 7 years during college and it's changed A LOT! I moved away from there sometime around 1993. However, while I was down there I stopped at Lyon Supply Company where I used to shop during those years and the owner remembered me! WOW!

My friend Kerie and I only attended the leadership day of the convention and it was so nice to see several of the people that I'd known from homeschooling in Torrance. We saw some wonderful speakers including Mike Farris (note the parentalrights.org link in the sidebar - please sign the petition).

The 2nd day, however, we went to the Long Beach Museum of Art. It's a beautiful museum - an older craftsman style building overlooking the Pacific, but with a modern art collection. However, I can safely say that we were not impressed the new work of art looming in front of it, visible over the wall.

I know art can be many things to many people, it comes in many forms, it doesn't always have to be beautiful, yadda, yadda, yadda. But there were many things on display that left us scratching our heads, wondering how some of this stuff makes it into museums while others don't! Well, some are on loan from private collections in some cases. In other cases, I think if you can market yourself, convince others that there's some intellectually "deep" about your work, then...
I'm sure there was no shortage of artists doing any variety of work who would love to have something placed in the gardens of this museum. To each, his own.
On a more positive note, I enjoyed a lot of the Gord Peteran work exhibited, however.

Monday, July 7, 2008

"Green" - as promised...

As I mentioned before, I did another study in acrylics that I'm sharing here.

I've been working on this because (1) I need practice with the acrylics, and (2) it's part of the project I'm working on for my Saturday Community College Illustration Class. I won't go into too much detail about it at the moment, but I'll give you a little insight.

The project is sort of a memoir of illustrations based on several single words that I've chosen to represent different time periods. It took a lot of thought, a dictionary, and a thesaurus to pick the best word to describe each period. It's kind of an Illustration Friday approach to a project.

The word that inspired this particular study is "Green" - definitions used: not mature or ripe; young; lacking training, conditioning, or experience; undisciplined; unschooled.

I hope the nurturing adult, a child at the moment of discovery and wonder, and the springtime colors have captured the idea. The previous study used the same image, but the colors were darker - it didn't express the more joyous and carefree nature of youth very well. Instead, it seemed more solemn and dreary.

This was a challenging word to do. Again, I'm trying to loosen up and explore a more painterly style with the acrylics.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Peace at last...and a few doodles

I'm on the verge of Monday - although most of the world is already there. The kids are all in bed, I've got tunes from my Pandora station playing in my headphones - ahhhhhhhhhh bliss.
It was Soccer Sunday at the "Y" and I played again...well, for a little while anyway. I strained a muscle or something up the front of my thigh. Since it seemed to get worse, I decided it would be in my best interest to stop. The sad thing is that I first strained it while warming up! Sheesh! Oh well...

I did spend a little time in the studio this evening - haven't been able to get in there all weekend. I'm furthering my study in acrylic paint, doing another version of the study I shared a few posts back. But, since it's night and I still don't have a scanner, I knew I would get a good photo. So, I'll have to wait to share.

Instead, I have a sketchbook page-o-doodles that I like a lot. Yes, I love doodles. They're great to look back on and pull from for something more.

Friday, July 4, 2008

Happy 4th of July!

Well, I haven't posted in a few days, so how about twice in one day?

We had a nice family day today celebrating the 4th of July in a slightly less than "traditional" way. Let's see, how does it go? - America is baseball, hot dogs, and apple pie. Well, we're a "futbol" family, so we watched the LA Galaxy soccer game.

We grilled shark and salmon - not so traditional, but YUM! One of my kids did opt for hot dogs, though. And, we couldn't pass up the apple pie.

And, of course, no 4th of July is complete without a trip to one of the many fireworks stands that spring up in parking lots all over town. We don't usually attend any of the big firework shows - not a big fan of the crowds. I have to say - sparklers just ain't what they used to be! (The picture below is obviously not a sparkler - they weren't even worth photographing).

How about a Studio Tour...

I'm always impressed by some people's studio photos that I've seen posted - gorgeous rooms with beautiful paint jobs, and nice (sometimes coordinated) furniture and organizing systems. They're picture perfect.

My space, however, is in a corner of the garage since there's no extra space in the house for one. So, it's the only place I can get away from the distractions of family and television. It's nothing fancy (to say the least). And, obviously, I didn't bother to tidy up what I took time out to snap this shot.

As you can see, the garage is wallpapered with my husband's prized punk band flyer collection from back in the day. If you were to pan left, you'd see the parking place for the lawnmower and the recycling bins. To the right, I have a small table with my glass cutting supplies (I went through a period of doing stained glass - would still like to, but there's no time).
Also to the right is a nice north-facing window which gives me some wonderful light.

So, it's a studio shared with the washer and dryer, assorted bikes and sports equipment, my husbands bass guitar and amp, boxes of holiday decorations, etc. etc. It would probably be nice to have a "swan" studio rather than an "ugly duckling." More shelves, drawers, or flat files would certainly be nice. Heating in the winter would be a plus (I have a space heater), but at least I live in a mild climate. This works. When I've got the music on and I'm involved in a project, I really don't notice what's around me.

By the way, despite how it is in the picture, I am well aware of the dangers of setting my coffee mug next to my paint brush water cup.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Artist's best friend...

Today I'm sharing some shots of "The Boosh" - dog of a million nicknames (and she responds to none of them). Her real name is Basha my faithful companion when drawing (or doing just about anything). I recently discovered that new friend and talented illustrator Kathleen Rietz also has a Corgi-mix. By request I'm showing some pictures of this great little dog that we acquired off of Craigslist a couple years ago. Also, check out the funny shot of her I added to the sidebar.

You'll also see my youngest daughter's new, blue cast that we've written on with silver paint pen. I'm tempted to paint something on it, but I'm not sure she'd sit still long enough. Well, she's got it for the next 4 weeks.

For those of you who aren't familiar with Corgi's, they're sturdy mid-size dogs who were shortchanged in the leg department. The vet thinks Basha is Corgi and maybe German Shepherd - no one really knows for sure.

Anyway, on the artistic front, I've started an IF illo that I will share in a day or two. That is, if I can move tomorrow. I played 2 hours of arena soccer with the kids today - muscles are starting to freeze up now.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

A change of pace...

I spent some time playing with the acrylics in the studio today. Like chalk pastel – it’s a love/hate relationship. This is just a little experimental work to try and figure out the medium. Being a detail person, I also wanted to try something a little looser and painterly. I’d welcome some constructive criticism. I don't consider it a "finished" piece - just exploratory.

Some of my problem with acrylics has to do with the fact that I’ve done very little painting since college (when I used oils). Acrylic is a different ballgame. I don’t like the consistency of the paint – compared to oils. I like the Liquitex heavy body paints a little better than the Grumbacher ones I have (which are more runny and thin).

I’m coming to terms with the quick drying time – like it on the painting itself, but hate it on the palette. I’ll have to invest in one of those stay-wet palette things and see how that goes (I hate buying things that require refill purchases all the time).

What's new...

I've started up with the local free community college illustration course on saturday mornings. There's really not a whole lot of instruction - it's more of an "independent project/discussion" situation. We come up with our own projects that we want to work on and not everyone who signs up has an art background.

It only meets for 6 Saturdays over summer, and it's an opportunity for feedback and a social outlet. I've been watching the SCBWI calendar for my region and there's been squat for illustrators - everything is for writers. Seems I'll have to consider driving to Los Angeles.

Anyway, I've been spending time between doctor visits (my daughter got a lovely blue cast this morning) working out my idea for that class. So, again, not much has happened in the studio. The project will be a series of about 12 illustrations - not really child oriented, but more personal. It will be a different direction from what I've been doing, so I can't wait to see what comes out. It certainly won't be finished in 6 classes (but that's the nice thing about taking this "class" - no grades, no deadlines - just participate).

I think I will be using ink again. I like the ink and colored pencil combination. So, in honor of that - and since I don't have anything else to share - here's an ink sketch of a tree stump in our backyard. Then again, since the concept is quite different, perhaps I'll use something like charcoal and pastel (gasp!).

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Why I'm not in the studio...

Things have been rather hectic for the last couple days. My youngest was swinging from a tree branch and fell on her arm Monday night before bed. She seemed OK at first, so I planned on taking her to the doctor first thing Tuesday morning. However, when I checked on her in the middle of the night she was clearly uncomfortable and her elbow had swelled up quite a bit.

Soooooo, it was off to the emergency room at 2:00 a.m. We didn't get home until about 3:30 (the middle of the night is the ideal time to go to the ER - no wait). Of course, then it took a while to fall asleep. I've been a zombie ever since.

So, no drawings to share. Just a picture of my little monkey sporting a splint. The X-rays showed a small fracture. We have another doctor visit to see if she needs an actual cast.